Its the 19th Oct 2019, many years after 911 and what feels like a lifetime since the mysterious members of KLAATU came out of the closet and reportedly revealed their "true identities".?
From this disclosure back in 1979, the music fans of the world were hoodwinked into believing the mystery had been solved. "Klaatu were NOT The Beatles"?
From this moment, the world lost interest in the possibility that The Beatles had secretly recorded albums under the band name Klaatu and the rumour fell into the Pit of History.
Humanity had once again been hoodwinked to believe what the media had fed them, just like "Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F Kennedy"; "Ray Earl Jones killed Martin Luther King", "Siran Siran killed Robert Kennedy" and "the alien saucer crash at Roswell was a weather balloon"?
. Throughout History the masses have been fed a diet of Lies and those that have often tried to expose these Lies have either been discredited as "loonies" or have been silenced.
Much water has flowed under the bridge since 1979 and much NEW information has surfaced since then that continues to link the ex-Beatle members with the recordings of Klaatu; which I shall be revealling alongside my research findings between 1977- 1984.
In September 1976, a completely unknown rockband by the name of KLAATU released their debut album titled "3.47 EST" .
The album made no waves when released until a Providence Rhode Island journalist by the name Steve Smith wrote the article " Could Klaatu be The Beatles?".
Despite Capitol Records denying the rumour, the rumour snowballed in the press and the album became an instant Top 40 Chart album throughout America and Canada.
Before long, the world was "set on fire" by the rumour and the album sold like hot cakes across the globe.
Steve Smith recommended a close listen to the songs "Sub Rosa Subway" and "Doctor Marvello"; stating that the latter sounded very much like The Beatles song "Blue Jay Way". He went on to claim that many of the Klaatu songs were similiar to Beatle songs recorded between 1968-1969 and featured sitars and backward tape effects.
He went on to state "Klaatu could mean Been Here Before" BHB4.
Capitol Records did disclose that the word Klaatu was taken from the 1951 Science Fiction movie called " The day the Earth stood still", in which actor Michael Rennie played a Peace Emissary from Outer Space name KLAATU.
"3.47 EST" is both the time of Klaatus arrival on Earth and the Canadian title of their debut album.
In 1974 Ringo Starr produced the below video for his song "Only You".
He is dressed as the film character KLAATU, from "The day the Earth stood still".
The filming took place on top of the Capitol Records building in Los Angeles.
This shows that 1 ex Beatle had a link to the name Klaatu prior to the debut album by the band Klaatu.
Klaatu have stated that "Our first album is based on a Science Fiction theme; detailing life- Past / Present and Future on a planet called KLAATU".
The album begins with the sound of crickets and our visitor steps onto terrafirma and so begins our cosmic journey with "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" , which became a huge hit for The Carpenters in the late 1970s.
An anthem for the cosmic 1970s when the Earth was hit by a peak of UFO activity in our skies. Either the Aliens were truely exposing themselves to humanity or the the drugs of the day were " far out man"?
The Harmonic Convergence heralded a New Cosmic awareness during the 1970s and we " Welcomed our Space Brothers/Sisters" to our beautiful planet.
At the time, back in 1976/7, I was meditating under a Pyramid and researching and writing Press Stories for various publications on topics such as "UFOs", which involved field research into sighting locations and eventuated into a number of "strange encounters".
Flying Saucers and strange aliens loomed everywhere. Either our Cosmic friends heard the call " Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" or they have been living "amoungst" us for eons?
Did we originate from Adam and Eve or were we genetically engineered by the Gods/Aliens from another planet?
The lyrics of the song contains many connections to the lifes of the ex-Beatle members and I shall begin with " You have been observing our Earth" which is what Paul McCartney and Wings can be observed doing on the cover of their album " Back to the Egg".
They are seen inside a "spaceship" looking down on Earth from Outerspace.
The lyrics continue with " and one night we would like to make a contact with you", which connects with John Lennons statement on the jacket of his 1974 "Walls and Bridges" album " On the 23rd August 1974 I saw a UFO".
John later stated " I went to the window and as I turned my head, hovering over the next building; no more than 100 feet away was this thing. It was flying very low and the object appeared to have an ordinary electric light bulb flashing on and off around the bottom and one non-blinking red light on top".
Lennon claimed that he was completely straight at the time and May Pang (his companion) witnessed the event.
Lennon claimed that he took several pictures of the UFO but when he tried to get the developed, all he got back was a blank film; the pics had mysteriously vanished. He claimed the returned film looked like it had been through the radar at customs.
"Strangely I had the same experience myself around the same time, I had taken some fantastic close daylight photos of a Flying Disc, with several witnesses and yet when I tried to have the pictures developed, I was told there was "nothing" on the film; it was blank.
It was a case of either the Men in Black confiscated the pics or the Aliens are camera shy and possess the technology to erase the pics from our film prior to developing?.
The following lyrics " With your mind you have the ability to tansmit thought energy far beyond the node" could be interpretated as a reference to a story told by Uri Geller in his book " Confessions of a Rabbi and a Psychic": by Samuel Boteach and Uri Geller, Robson Books 2001.
On page 123/125 Uri Geller tells of a conversation he had with John Lennon in the early 70s where Lennon claims that " a number of Aliens invaded his Apartment one evening and gave him a " mysterious egg-like object". John said to Uri " If its my ticket to another planet, I dont want to go there".
Lennon then gave Uri the mysterious "egg object" for safe keeping.

Perhaps this device was an Intergalactic Communication Thought Transmitter? " with your mind you have the ability to transmit thought energy far beyond the node".
have tried to get in contact with Uri but have recieved no reply.
Back in 1970, the organizers of the The Plastic Ono Band live in Toronto, Canada set about planning a larger open –air concert for July 1970 and promised the public public performances by THE BEATLES and Bob Dylan, plus a special visit by a "Convoy of Flying Saucers". One wonders why Lennon later called the whole thing off? Perhaps the other Beatle members were not interested or the Aliens were already booked on another planet?
In December 1974, Paul McCartney asked the famous Science Fiction writer Isaac Asimov if he would write a story around Pauls idea about " A terrestial/human Pop Group that are replaced by AlIEN imposters".
Asimov wrote a screenplay around the theme but Paul wasnt happy about the completed draft. Asimov was paid and McCartney put the draft aside. Paul later then asked Asimov if he could develope the idea from a piece of dialogue that he had written, but Asimov declined.
"This sounds similiar to statements made about Klaatu, " they could even be Aliens from another planet"?.
On Paul McCartneys "Press to Play" album can be found a weird "track filler" where Paul mentions a " spaceship" landing in his backyard when he sings " The window was open and outside was a Spaceship, leaving a trail of smoke behind it".
Another lyric line from "Calling Occupants" states "Please interSTELLAR policeman" could be interpretated as a reference to Paul McCartneys daugheter "Stellar McCartney"? which is certainly an unusual name for a child.
A number of other clues can be found within this opening track; far too many to mention here, so lets move onto track two.
This song forewarns of a massive earthquake hiting California in the lyric line "one day youre gonna be a place in our memory".
The Beatles themselves have many ties with the state of California; in fact they gave their last American concert at Cow Palace in San Fransisco on the 29th August 1966.
The song is copyrighted for two dates, being 1974 and 1976, which could suggest that two versions of the song were recored.
The song was released as a Single in 1974 on Island Records.
Strangely enough in 1974 John Lennon took up residence in California were he recored many tracks off his "Walls and Bridges" album. During the early - mid 1970s Lennon would record many songs from his "Plastic Ono Band"; "Mind Games"; "Walls and Bridges" and "Rock n Roll" albums in California.
. During this same time frame, Paul and Linda McCartney spent a great deal of time in California recording and mixing songs from the Wings album "Venus and Mars".
During 1974, George Harrison set up his own record lable "Dark Horse Records" in Los Angeles, California.
Ringo Starr also spent much time visiting California during 73/74; which places ALL FOUR BEATLE MEMBERS in the same location during the same period.
"Could it be that they all secretly got together to record songs featured on Klaatus debut album"?
"What would be stopping say Paul going into a studio first and recording his contributions to Klaatu s debut album and for the other Beatles to seperately record their musical contributions to the songs"? By going into the studio alone/seperately, such a secret recording-re-union project would be a push over to carry out, "who would suspect that The Beatles were recording together"?
The songs lyrics contain a number of lyric lines with Beatle links and the only one I shall quote here is at the end of the song the vocalists can be heard singing "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"; which is reminiscent of The Beatles singing "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah".
The reader shall have to do their own research to discover the other hidden clues in this song or eventually read the FULL VERSION of my book should it ever see the light of day.
Unfortunately I am restricted as to "what i can reveal " at this moment in time as there are a number of individuals whom wish to "silence my revealations".
Many other connections with The Beatles/ Klaatu and California shall surface throughout this book and the reader shall see all the jigsaw pieces fall into place and the Conspiracy of Silence shall be broken.
The process of editing over 600 pages of evidence/information is a tiresome thing and very time consuming; a labour of love.
Remember folks, my story is being presented to the world in Blogg form for FREE,
My motivation is simply to "tell my story" and if the publishers of this world dont have the balls to publish my book, then I shall do it myself in whatever format I can.
So lets move on to song three from the album with a song titled
The song contains many interesting lyric lines and the song is copyrighted 1973 and 1977 under "Dr Music Publishing" and Leeds Music.
Firstly, quite a large percentage of The Beatles very early songs were copyrighted under Leeds Music; including "I'll follow the sun", "I dont want to spoil the party","I'll get you", "She loves you","This Boy" and "If I fell", to name just a few.
The Beatle connection concerning "Dr Music Publishing" can be found on the John Lennon album "Shaved Fish" where the following statement can be found
A McCartney connection can be found by comparing the similiar lyric line.
"JET". Band on the Run album. Wings.
"Climb on the back and we will go for a ride in the sky".
Remember that in the song Band on the Run, McCartney sings " we will never be found"
. Was the "Band on the Run" a reference to Klaatu and the identity of the Klaatu members?
Could the reference to the name "Jackson" be related to a close working associate of Paul McCartney by the name of " Jack Maxson" or possibly "Michael Jackson" whom was also a close friend on Pauls?
The Klaatu lyric lines also makes a reference to the planet Venus, which connects with the Wings album "Venus and Mars" which was being recorded around the same time period. Linda McCartney astrologically is rules by the planet Venus; strange indeed.
The Klaatu lyrics; "He said meet my computer" is interesting by the fact that in 1973 Paul McCartney was one of the first musicians to purchase a revolutionary new musical instrument called a Fairlight computer from a Sydney based 8.
Very few computers existed in those stone aged days of recording.
There exists a number of other Beatle/Klaatu connections on this song, though I shall leave the reader to explore these for themselves.
Now we come to one of the most Beatlish sounding songs from the album, a song titled:
, which is saturated with Beatle connections.
I remember seeing a video for this song aired on the Sydney music television program Rage way back in the mid 1970s where the title of the song was "SUB ROSA SPEEDWAY", which very strangely is almost identical to the title of a Wings album called "RED ROSE SPEEDWAY".
The songs titled could also be a reference to the Beatles own company "SUBAFILMS", which was responsible for many of the Beatles films and a possible reference to the film "Yellow Submarine". ?
The translation of the two words "SUB ROSA" was discovered to mean the following; "Ancient secret under the rose" or "privately", whilst the word "SUBWAY" means " an underground tunnel". Therefore, the title "Sub Rosa Subway" can be interpretated as meaning " a private underground tunnel".
The song makes mention of the name "Alfred Beech" which was also found to contain a Beatle connection. When the Beatles company Apple Corps was about to collapse, John Lennon approached the former head of British Rail "Lord Beeching" to help straighten out the mess. Although the songs lyrics appear to be referring to an American subway, I feel this may be a plot to throw the Beatle fans off the track with any connection with England.
England also has its own "underground rail system".
The lyric line "One station filled with Victorias age" also implies a british connection, for its implies "an underground railway station built of Victorian architecture around the time of Queen Victoria".
The date "1870" mentioned in the song also ties in with my England theory, for during 1870 Queen Victoria held the Throne of England, therefore allowing all the jigsaw pieces to fit together and complete our picture.
The first British underground railway system, being the City and South London Railway was opened in 1890 and its construction began around the year "1870".
We also must consider the fact the songs lyrics could be a reference to New Yorks Grand Central Station which is also filled with architecture of the Victorias age and also constructed around 1870.
The New York underground was reportedly built by a fellow called "Alfred Beech", with the rail loup running under Times Square and also under John Lennons New York residence "The Dakota Apartments".
Perhaps John Lennon was aware of these facts and helped inspire the writing of the song?
Whatever the truth is, its interesting to note that many of the lyrics to songs by Klaatu contain direct reference to the British culture/ history/language and terminology; as we shall discover as this tome unfolds.
At the closing of this song a Morse Code message can be heard, which a number of researchers have deciphered as reading;
"From Alfred Heed thy sharpened ears, a message we do bring. A Starship appears upon our sphere. Through London sky comes spring". Another decipherment reads" A Starship over London comes spring".
Its again interesting that Klaatu consistantly make references to England when we have been led to believe that the members of Klaatu were Canadian??? Are these Canadian musicians simply "Patsies" for the real identities of the Klaatu members?
The song ends with the singing " The Brahsian tunes, the Brahmsian tunes", which strongly connects with George Harrison.
The word "Brahmsian" when translated means; "a person of the highest or priestly caste amoung the Hindus".
Every Beatle fan would know of George Harrison's devotion to the Indian religion Krishna, this fact speaks for itself. When listening to the vocals on this song, they do sound very much like those of George Harrison?
The lyrics could also be a reference to the German composer Johannes Brahms 1833-1897 who wrote a number of world reknown concertos and syphonies.
So ends my brief review of songs featured on Side One of Klaatu's debut album and its time to take a look at some of the events surrounding my investigations.
Around the middle of November 1980, I began recieving a number of mysterious phone calls all related to the writing of my book. Remember folks this was before Cell phones came into being; in those ancient times we all relied on landline phones and phone answering machines. At the time, I had my phone rigged up so that I could record my phone conversations.
One of these calls came from an individual only identified by the name "FRANK" who claimed he was investigating KLAATU on behalf of the Australian Performing Rights Association. The company had been spending thousands of dollars trying to "track down" and discover the "real identities" of the KLAATU members, but with no success.
"FRANK" supplied me with much new mindboggling information concerning their investigations and their findings. To this day, the real identity of "FRANK" has never been uncovered.
. He claimed that recently they/he had learned that "Paul McCartney had confessed to writing the song "Sub Rosa Subway" back in 1969 and claimed that he had a tape recording of the song to proove it". Paul went on to claim " in the early 1970s his home in St John Wood in London was broken into and the demo recording of "Sub Rosa Subway" was stolen".
"Frank" went on to inform me that McCartney was then considering taking "legal action" against KLAATU for stealing his song.
This information blew me away and made me more determined to uncover the truth to the whole Beatles/Klaatu conspiracy.
McCartney would some years later make a movie and record an album around the theme of some-one stealing his songs, remember "Give my regards to Broad St"?.
Strangely during early 1975 I did spend some time at Pauls St Johns Wood home and had a nice little jam there; although I am reluctant to disclose the full details about my visit.
I was living just around the corner and also visited Abbey Road studios durinng my brief visit to London.
"Frank" went on to push me to disclose what information I had uncovered with my investgation but I refused to reveal my findings. He claimed that if it was discovered that The Beatles were secretly recording "under the assumed name of KLAATU" that they could be "sued for the infringement of copyright laws and could stand to lose millions of dollars"
. He warned me to be very careful and hung up the phone. I would not hear from Frank until early 1981 when he supplied me with more mindboggling information and again warned me to be very careful or i might "END UP LIKE JOHN LENNON=DEAD".
John Lennon had been assassinated some months earlier by a so called "crazed killer with no motive".
Two weeks prior to Lennons shooting I was given information on his killer and his motivation for shooting Lennon and to this day I have not disclosed these facts. I shall be revealing more of this startling information later in this book, so stay tuned.
With only One side of Klaatu's album reviewed, my theory that KLAATU COULD BE THE BEATLES is looking very interesting to say the least.
Before we venture into reviewing Side Two of the Klaatu album, many Beatle fans have asked me; "How come on some of the songs their vocals dont sound very Beatlish at all?".
My answer to this question is; "To aviod being discovered, they went to the extremes to produce songs as far distant from the Beatle style as possible. They used the latest gadgets in recording technology, such as a machine known as a Voice Mask. This little device is widely used by Intelligence Organizations around the world, in fact, this little device could alone hold the secret of Klaatu.
The device could alter a persons voice so much that even the mother of the person wouldnt be able to recognise the voice. The gadget would permit The Beatles to change their vocal characterizations so that even the most devoted fan wouldnt recognise the singers. The device would also allow a group such as Klaatu to technically mould their voices to sound very much like John, George , Paul and Ringo.
Another question asked was; "If Klaatu are The Beatles, why would they sign a deal with the same Record Company that releases most of The Beatles and Wings albums in America? Wouldnt this give Klaatu's identity away more easily?"
Answer; "I believe that Klaatu signed with Capitol Records because Capitol Records could hide their real identities and capitalize on the rumour that "KLAATU ARE THE BEATLES".
Klaatu were looking for a lable that would accept them under their terms; being that the "identities of the Klaatu members would not be revealed. Foremost amoung these prerequisites was the exclusion of the band members names from the contract and publicity releases. The band was signed via a production agreement with a third party
(Klaatu representative FRANK Davies), whos name appeared on the contract".
Later we will discover that when the false identities of the Klaatu members were revealed prior to the recording of their "Endangered Species" album,
Capitol Records in America dropped the band and withdrew their records from sale all around the world.
Capitol Records in America threatened to sue the identified Klaatu members for fraud and the three individuals fled to Canada.
It has recently come to light that at the time that NONE OF THE KLAATU members played on their 4th album "Endangered Species" and that the album was recorded by various studio musicians with the Klaatu members only responsible for recording the vocals.
One only has to listen to this album carefully to realise that it wasnt a true Klaatu recording.
For some strange reason, that once Capitol Records were provided with the names of three "unknown" musicians, perhaps they realised they had been conned or scammed and to protect their own asses withdrew all of the Klaatu product off the world market? M
ore information on this shall be revealed in later chapters of the book as this facsination conspiracy unfolds.
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