Thursday, December 18, 2014

chapter six.

( The English ARMY had just won the war ) 

In September 1978 Klaatu released their most commercial sounding album to date, which came as a nice surprise after the 2nd album failed to achieve much media attention. After the mysterious band members refused to disclose their identities after the huge success of their debut album, most of the worlds media refused to having anything to do with Klaatu; so their 2nd album was ignored.

The rumour that "Klaatu were The Beatles" began to work against the band and they needed to befriend the media with a more commercial sounding product; hence the contents of "Sir Army Suit".

The album is superbly produced and contains a nice balance of Pop ballads and Rock songs; bright musical landscapes are textured throughout each song and its a smorgasboard of tastey sound bites and delicasies. A feast of musical tastes can be consummed throughout ones listening and a good time is garranteed for all.

This album found the group "returning to Earth and penning tunes about

 "Charles Manson", "Timothy Leary",
and "Perpetual Motion Machines". 

In July 1979, Future-Life magazine published an article on Klaatu which contains the following;

"The band took the concept of Klaatu from the film "The day the earth stood still", says a Klaatu member identified over the phone line as "John".

"We felt the movie carried a strong message and we identified with the central character, Klaatu. He was an individual who brought a message of intelligence to the people of Earth. He held up a mirror for them to gaze in and asked them "Hey, look what you are doing, does this really make any sense to you?"

. John continued on " In a sense, thats what we have tried to do with our albums. The anonymity has helped us. You tend to listen to an album more if you dont imagine them in disco outfits and fizzy hair".

The article continues with " Three years after the release of their 1st album in 1976, all thats KNOWN about Klaatu in 1979 is that they are a "Four-member " band based in Canada.
John goes on to state " We are not a science fiction oriented band, although we have used SF and futuristic fantasy in our last 3 albums. We have also included songs about historical fiction, rock and romance, too". "At this point in time, Klaatu is so pleased with its faceless brand of futuristic rock that; with the release of their 4th album they will "come out of the closet" and reveal their faces for the first time. "It will be a gradual thing" John laughs. "This year we will do a few tv shows and next year we will tour".

The article finally identifies that Klaatu are a FOUR PIECE BAND with one member identified as JOHN.
The Beatles were a FOUR PIECE BAND and had one member called JOHN.

The album was recorded in Canada during early 1978, which is where Ringo was busy recording his " Bad Boy" album and perhaps a reference to a song on the Klaatu album?  Remember that Ringo portrayed the character Klaatu on his "Goodnight Vienna" album.

  Canada has strong links to John Lennon and McCartney during a concert in Toronto in the 70s left the stage with the statement " I will see you when the Earth stands still"; a direct reference to Klaatu and the movie "The day the Earth stood still".

Perhaps its time to explore some of the fine tunes on this excellent album "Sir Army Suit".

" Routine Day".

The titles bares a similarity to two McCartney songs being "Another Day" and "Valentines Day" off his Wings Greatest Hits and McCartney 1 albums.

The first verse states;
 "I caught the bus on time" which also can be found in the middle of the Beatles song " A DAY in the life" from their Sgt Pepper album.

The 2nd lyric line goes
" Good morning, Mr Driver, drive" which can found echoed in the Beatles song "Drive my car" from their "Rubber Soul" album. Also on the Sgt Peppers album can be found a song titled "Good morning, good morning".
Verse Two begins with the line
 "As I sat inside my raincoat" which has similarities with the lyric lines found in The Beatles song "Two of Us" from the "let it be" album where we find the lyric line "Two of us wearing Raincoats, standing solo in the Sun".

 Meanwhile in the McCartney song "Another Day" we find a similar reference in the lyric line " In the pocket of her raincoat".

The chorus features 2 lyric lines that contains Beatle connections, the first being "whats the bloody point of playing the game" which are simliar to lyrics found in the Lennon song "Mind Games" released in 1973.
The 2nd Klaatu lyric " why cant you see, youre just a cog working like a dog" is strangely similair to hearing The Beatles sing "Its been a hard days night and ive been working like a dog" from the song and album "A Hard Days Night". 

The final verse of Routine Day contains the lyric line " my face descretely buried in a book on Mars" which could be interpretated as a reference to Paul McCartney. With his Wings band , he released an album titled "Venus and Mars" and as a solo artist he released a Single and Album titled "My brave Face".

The last lyric line states "and Im waiting on a PIER till Charon comes" which has two interpretations. The first being " In Greek mythology Charon was the ferryman who took the souls of the dead across the river Styx to Hades".

Sound amazing similar to Egyptian mythology (Anubis ) and The Tibetian Book of the Dead which both Lennon and McCartney had an interest in.

The lyric line sounds like the singer is singing "And Im waiting on a pier to Karum Kum", which is a real place not far from Venice near the Caspian Sea. If my interpretation is correct, then it presents two pieces of photographic evidence linking McCartney and Klaatu. 
The photo below was taken in Sept 1976 and features the band members of Wings (including Paul and Linda McCartney riding in a gondola before their Venice Charity concert. In the background of this photo can be seen a "large building and a Pier with steps leading down to the water. Inside the gondola we find "Five Individuals plus the captain".

In July 1979 Future-Life magazine published the FIRST animated picture of the mysterious Klaatu members, whom were strangely waiting to board a Gondola in Venice and perhaps "waiting on a Peir to Karum Kum".

The Klaatu picture shows "Five Indivuals" outside the boat and about to climb aboard, whilst a masked captain stands at the rear of the gondola.
The Klaatu members can be seen standing in front of a similar looking Venician building seen in the Wings pic. Steps can be seen leading down to the water and to the Gondola.
In the Wings photo there are ALSO Five Individuals who have now entered the gondola and are sailing away from the Pier. At the rear of the gondola now stands an "unmasked" captain. 
With these two pictures we are reminded of the "Routine Day" lyric line " and Im waiting on a pier to Karum Kum", which may suggest that both parties are "about to sail to Karum Kum", which is located nearby in the Caspian Sea.
  If we look at an Atlas, we discover that Venice is located on the northern coast of Italy and on the shores of the Adriatic Sea.

 Perhaps Wings decided to hire a sizeable Cruiser and set sail for Karum Kum? . The journey would take perhaps 1 month, sailing on the Adriatic Sea; into the MEDITERANIAN Sea and then the Aegean Sea. From there, they sailed their ship into the Black Sea and head for the port of Batam, located on the Turkish and Russian border. They would then cruise down the "Atlas River", which flows into the Caspian Sea; sailing onto the southern eastern shores where the mountains of "Karum Kum" lie.

We now find that in 1978 "WINGS" released their album "London Town" which was recorded during 76/77 partly aboard a yacht called "The Fair Carol" whilst cruising the MEDITERANIAN Sea.  
The Klaatu pic features "Five Indivuals", which is odd considering earlier on we learnt that Klaatu we a "Four Piece Band". Perhaps the guy on the extreme left is actually Klaatus manager, Mr Frank Davies? If the remaining 4 indivuals ARE THE BEATLES , then from left to right they are "Paul, Ringo, John and George?".

To support this theory, i am presenting 2 more pics to help establish that all Four ex-Beatles are well known for "wearing disguises".

Pic One of John  was taken during the late 70s. Compare this photo of John with the Klaatu member directly in the centre of the doorway (4th on the left) and you will discover that "both" are wearing "identical sunglasses". Also the "facial features of both are similiar, plus their hair lengths and beards are of an identical style."


Picture 2 shows all four Beatles wearing "disguises" during the making of the film "Help" in 1965. The clothing worn by everyone is very similair in style to the clothing worn by the Klaatu members in their animated Venice pic. The 2nd Klaatu member from the left, whom resembles Paul is wearing an almost "identical style hat" as he is seen wearing in the Beatles pic.

The similarities in all Four pics presented are surely more than "co-incidental"?

 "Could there really be some Truth to the rumour that "Klaatu are The Beatles"?,

 Im certainly keen to keep digging before i can draw a final conclusion.

Getting back to the songs on "Sir Army Suit",  their song "Juicy Lucy"

could be taken as a reference to the Lennon songs "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" off Sgt Peppers and the song "Bring on the Lucy" from his 1973 "Mind Games" album.

. The lyric line "you Jet around in your chromatonic platform shoes" could be a reference to the Wings song "Jet" off their "Band on the run" album.
Verse 2 begins with "You spend your evening with Alexandria" which could be a link to the photgrapher David Alexandria who shot the cover for Ringos 1976 "Rotogravure" album.

The next line "that fire breathing Salamander" could be taken as a reference to the Wings song "Getting Closer" off the "Back to the Egg" album where Paul makes repeated references to "Salamanders".  Strangely, both Sir Army Suit and Back to the Egg were recorded during the same year 1978.

There exists a number of other lyrical connections but space here doesnt permit me to present all of them.
Musically, the heavy metal guitar on this song is very much in the raunchy, grungy style of John Lennon whilst the vocals sound similar to those of both Paul McCartney and George Harrison. The reader must not forget that with such gadgets as "voice boxes" the singers can make their vocals sound any way they wish.

"Everybody took a holiday".

This fine little tune is a treasure trove for Beatle connections, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It might be best if i first quote the first 3 lyric lines;
"It happened back in ancient times"
"When people worked overtime, overtime"
"In fact I think in 1985".

The fact that Klaatu are singing the words " back in ancient times" suggests that they are singing in our future, for the year 1985 is in the past".

 Remember the song was recorded in 1978.

Strangely on the Wings  1978 album  "London Town" we can find a song titled "Backwards Traveller" where Paul sings about "travelling back in time".

Meanwhile on the Wings  album "Band on the Run" can be found a song titled "1985".

The song " everybody took a holiday" itself appears to be about people leaving the city and moving to the country, back to nature and the Garden of Eden.

The theme bears a similarity to the theme of the McCartney song "Heart of the Country" from his 1971 album "Ram".

"Everybody took a holiday" seems to identify more with the albums Front and Back covers where the Klaatu members can be seen heading west into the country.

Strangely, on the Beatles bootleg album titled "20 x 4 " can be found a song titled "Everybody comes to town" .

The lyric line " and the Union was sitting pretty" could be a reference to the British flag " The Union Jack"; remember The Beatles originate from Britian.

After listening to this song hundreds of times, I find it similar to Pauls "Backwards Traveller" song and also reminds me of the Beatle songs "We can work it Out" and "For the benefit of Mr Kite".

Verse 2 reads;
"On a sunday in July, everybody made up their minds"
"and when monday rollled by no-one came home"
"all the cities and streets were bare"
"Everybody was having fun elsewhere"

I suspect that these 4 lyric lines are likely to be a direct reference to the Beatles "Magical Mystery Tour" film which was made in July 1967.
Everyone took a MMT holiday in the country and a "goodtime" was garranteed for all. Roll up, roll up.


Verse 1 opens with;
"Older, it seems like each day you get older"
"Im reaching a world that gets colder"
"In a cynical way".

During his short but full life, John Lennon was often referred to as " being cynical" and stated that he believed "that the people of the world were growing colder", which clearly identifies with the sentiments expressed in these Klaatu lyrics.

Verse 3 contains the line " I keep looking over my shoulder" which John Lennon can be seen doing on the cover of Jann Werners book "Lennon Remembers".  Two Klaatu members can be seen "looking back over their shoulders" on the front cover of "Sir Army Suit".

  Co-incidence after co-incidence.  Note the similar "background artwork" on both "Lennon Remembers" and the front cover of "Sir Army Suit".


This song has a strange connection between myself and Klaatu, for a number of months prior to the release of SAS, in an article published in the Australian Music magazine I predicted what the the Cover of SAS may look like and stated that what I had written and predicted would be verified by a "couple" of Personal connections to me on the coming album.

Strangely, "Christine" happens to be the name of one of my sisters, whilst the name "Cherie" was the name of my wife . "Could this fact just be another of the zillions of co-incidences expressed in this book?".
The title of the song could be a reference to the book " One day at a time" which contains the statement "Dedicated to Chrissy".?

Verse 1 begins with;
"Twas one more year today, I left one month"
"and new adventure, salt and spray"
"Kings service I must do".

These lyrics are a direct reference to " sailing the bluze, being at sea" and when we check this theme out, many Beatle connections are to be found.
 Although I cant supply an exact date, I can truely state that sometime between "July 1976 and Jan 1978 John Lennon chartered a sloop called "Strawberry Fields" and sailed from Newport, Long Island to Bermuda."
Ex-Beatle Paul also enjoys the pleasures of "sailing the bluze" and recorded parts of his "London Town" album aboard the "Fair Carol" whilst cruising the Mediteranian Sea.
 Most of the month of May 1978, McCartney was in the Virgin Islands, sailing around the numerous tropical islands.

In 1977 George Harrison was asked "where does he like to spend his holiday?" to which he replied " I like taking holidays every year by the sea and do a little sailing".

If the reader care to check out the themes of songs found on many of Ringo Starr"s solo albums, they will discover that many of his songs are about " being at sea; sailing and the ocean in general". Who can even forget the aquatic songs "Yellow Submarine" and "Octapussys Garden" .
Its time to take a look at the musical interpretations of "Dear Christine"; its basically a beautiful ballad and one of my favourites on the album. The vocals and lead guitar work are in the very sensetive George Harrison style and similair to some of his work on the Beatles "Abbey Road" album. Comparisons can be found on the songs "Something" and "Here comes the sun".   Do a comparison test yourself and you may come to the same conclusions as myself?
So this concludes This Chapter and the songs featured on SIDE ONE of "Sir Army Suit".

The next Chapter will Review all the songs featured on Side Two of "Sir Army Suit" and take a revealling look at the Artwork featured on the Front and Back Covers.
Up to this point the mysterious Klaatu members are still refusing to come out of the closet and reveal their true identities.

From day one, the fans have been told that "clues to the identities of the Klaatu members" can be found within the Artwork of the albums and within their lyrics and musical arrangements.

So far I have presented a fraction of these "possible mystery clues" uncovered during my many of years of research and simply ask the reader to draw their own conclusions from what i have presented.

Stay tuned for Chapter Seven.



Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hope. Part 5..

Revised Edition.



(every picture tells a story)

The artwork on thei Front and Back jackets of the "Hope" album is a sheer masterpiece and must be regarded as the Best album jacket for 1977.

 The album gives no "credits" as to whom is responsible for this amazing artwork; " so who could it be?"

I would like to put forward the suggestion that the Artwork is either by the hands of Paul McCartney or John Lennon.? 
My reason for this assumption is due to the fact that both hold a Diploma in Art

Lennon recieved his art training at the Liverpool College of the Arts; beginning his 3 year enrolment in the autumn of 1957 and I believe that Paul attended the same college around the same period. 

Lennon never made it through the full year course, at the end of the 2nd year he was denied enrolment for the final exam. This doesnt mean he wasnt a talented artist; for in fact, he was.

As for Paul, one only has to step into home in St Johns Wood, London to discover Pauls appreciation of art where one can find "Picasso" and "Magritles" hanging on the walls.

I dont remember seeing them during my short visit to the home in 1975, so perhaps these were later purchases?
           Paul's place.

Many close friends of Paul claim that many of Pauls own paintings hang alongside these masterpieces and stand up very well indeed. His friends claim that if Paul hadnt had success with his music, then he certainly would have been a success with his art. 

During Lennons semi-retirement 1975- 1980, Lennon claims that he spent much of time "painting" and reading books on "ancient civilizations", though none of these paintings have surfaced in the media.
 His "reading material" certainly matches the subject matter of the Hope album. 

Much of the symbols found within the artwork represent "ancient language and writing" belonging to "ancient civilizations"; they contain a combination of Egyptian/ Sumerian and Mayan, as well as Scientific and Astrological symbols. 

Most of the interpretations of these symbols relate to the conditions and the technology on the planet Klaatu, located in the Epsilon Bootis star system several light years away from Earth. 
Strangely the Epsilon Bootis star system belongs to the Ursa Major/Ursa Minor family of constellations and if you check out the McCartney album "Press to Play" one can find a song titled "Pretty little head" where he sings about "Ursa Major, Ursa Minor".
So Paul is very cosmic and aware of the existence of the Epsilon Bootis star system?

        Pretty little head.

" is this all just a coincidence?".


The Front Cover depicts the crumbling remains of the city of Politzania; a broken Sun and huge cracks speak of a huge natural catastrophe; perhaps a giant earthquake? 

The Back Cover depicts a distant view of the crumbling Politzania as the survivors flew away to look for a new home in the universe, perhaps eventually settling on planet Earth.?

Ive deciphered so much information from the artwork and will now present a small portion of this material now. 

The front cover, believe it or not features a world prediction made by Klaatu, for the album was released in Sept 1977 and in January 1978 a "russian satelite" crashed back to earth over Canada. 

The letter "A" represents a satelite in an elliptical orbit around the Earth and this orbit is "broken" in section 1 representing January. 

Its very strange indeed .

How could Klaatu have known that in January 1978 that the russian nuclear powered satelite Cosmos 954 would plunge back to Earth and crash over mooNorthern Alberta

Using the same graph above, we find Section 9 which Astrologically represents the sign Libra.   

This is quite significant, for the sign of Libra which is ruled by the planet Venus. 

This planet is mentioned in the song "Around the universe in 80 days". Strangely enough Linda McCartney is a Librian and is seen represented as Venus on the Wings album "Venus and Mars".

Paul is astrologicaly ruled by the planet Mars; hence he is a Martian?

Since the front cover deals with "ancient civilizations", it might be interesting to note that Linda McCartney was once married to the Geologist John See.

Perhaps Linda picked up a lot of knowledge on the subject during this marriage and decided to marry some of this knowledge with one of Pauls paintings, creating "every picture tells a story???

Each Klaatu album features " a Mouse" on the front or back covers; a Mascot aboard their "Sunship". 

Back in the 60s Ringo Starr was associated with an animated film titled "Scouse the Mouse". 
whilst in the Beatles animated film "Yellow Submarine" we find the "Mouse-like" creature "nowhere man"; (Jeremy to his friends) .

Also during the 70s McCartney released a Wings documentary titled " The Bruce McMouse Show".

 In the Lennon song " Clean up time " we find the lyric "no rats aboard our magic ship"; 

Many reference to this Mouse can be uncovered if one dares to investigate. 

On the right hand side of the Front Cover of HOPE we find a "steel globe" with the initials "J Mc" upon it.

Could this be another clue to the identity of one of the mysterious Klaatu members? Could these initials stand for "James McCartney"?? 

Directly under this globe we find an arrow pointing to "two white and yellow flowers", which strangely can also be found on the Beatles "Sgt Pepper" and "Magical Mystery Tour".

The "Sun" can be found on all the Klaatu album jackets and many links to The Beatles albums and song titles has already been covered earlier. 

In the music industry The Beatles were often referred to as THE SUN KINGS; take a listen to the song "Melting Pot" by Shocking Blue.


Was the above the front cover of the reported "missing" Beatles album titled "SUN" that was to be released in 1967 between their "Magical Mystery Tour" and "Sgt Pepper" albums ???????

A mysterious "Red planet" can be found featured on 4 of the 5 Klaatu albums released and yet similiar looking "red planets" can be found on such albums as "Venus and Mars"by Wings and "Shaved Fish " by John Lennon.

Other cosmic connections can be found on many solo albums by Ringo Starr, such as "Goodnight Vienna".

The Kosmic Gods of the Kingdom have been planting their seeds of tomorrow for an eternity. 

On the middle left hand side of the front cover of "Hope" ; directly under the domed building can be found various "inscriptions" , which appear to be of "egyptian origin" and many appear to be "egyptian heiroglyphics". 

Recently it has be revealled that not Only did John and Yoko spend a whole night in the Cheops Pyramid but that also four of their Apartments within the Dakota Apartments are decorated with "ancient and rare Egyptian artifacts; including a complete " sarcophagus" in their main living room.
John and Yoko visited Cairo, Egypt in Jan. 1977.

John and Yoko believed they were the reincarnation of ancient Egyptian royalty.
Mummified Cats.

 On Yokos solo album "Feeling the Space", Yokos face has been "superimposed" onto the Sphinx with the Cheops Pyramid is in the background.

On the back cover we find the "Eye of Ra", the Sun God and the four symbols for "the Moon/ infinity/ yin and yang and the astroligic symbol for the "feminine/female". 

On the Ringo Starr 1977 album " Ringo the 4th" Ringo gives thanks to a " Mektoub - The Great Sphinx" and perhaps could be interpretated as a reference to "Lennon" and his obsession with Egyptian artifacts or Yoko and the above mentioned album. 

Recent research has revealled that all four ex-beatles have visited Egypt and the Pyramids of Giza.
Only recently Paul released an album titled "Egypt Station".


 References to this can be found within "song lyrics", "artwork" and "liner notes" on their various albums .

We have already learnt that during John Lennons semi-retirement between 1975- 1980 he spent a great deal of his free time reading books on " ancient civilizations", "anthropology" and " history". Both John and Yoko had a facination/karmic obsession with ancient Egypt; especially the rein of the Pharoahs around 3500bc. 

On the right hand side of the Front cover of "HOPE" atop the building we find "two gargoyles" creatures which strangely are similair to the "strange gargoyles" found adorning the top of the Dakota Apartments, in New York where Yoko still resides today.

Another symbol found on each of the Klaatu albums is the symbol "Seven H ";  

Strangely enough, when we take a look at the "picture record lable" of the original Ringo Starr 1974 album "Goodnight Vienna" we find a "picture of a "Star Galaxy".
When the dots of the planets are joined up they form the same symbol found on the Klaatu albums.

 Just another strange co-incidence? Remember that this 1974 Ringo album shows him dressed as the alien being "KLAATU" featured in the 1951 science fiction film "The day the Earth stood Still".

When we take a look at the Record lable owned by George Harrison "Dark Horse" strangely we find a picture of a Horse with Seven heads= 7 H.

So all these strange links are purely co-incidental and the many jig saw pieces can be moulded to fit the theory or the assumption that "maybe" Klaatu are the ex-Beatle members? or perhaps a mixture of ex-Beatle members and 3-4 other unknown musicians? 

Perhaps many of us have been led to believe that there is a Beatles Connection or perhaps none at all???
I have also discovered that even the title of the Klaatu album "HOPE" could represent "Heirs of the Politzania Empire" which parrallels the Beatles becoming "Members of the British Empire" during the mid 60s.

  Its too early into the investigation to deny or confirm any involvement and the reader shall have to make up their own minds as the evidence unfolds.

Please go back and read Part  4 which covers all aspects of Klaatus 2nd album titled "HOPE" to assess all that has been presented, then ask yourself " does the author have case or story worth telling?

Its August 2014 and I am now 65 and retired; I have just survived having a kidney removed due to cancer and "live one day at a time". 

Hopefully I will complete telling my story which will cover the 3rd, 4th and 5th albums by Klaatu; so hence I still have several more chapters to cover.

 Life is full of Conspiracies and the Beatles/Klaatu Konspiracy is the only one that has remained "hidden" from the mass media. Its time to explore the evidence and strange co-incidences associated with the case and allow YOU to decide.

end of Part Five.......

Monday, April 28, 2014

Revised Edition. Nov. 2019.

                 Part Four.


In August 1977 Klaatu released their 2nd offering to the music Kingdom and the attuned ones were pleased by what they heard from the magic plastic. The new album took the attuned ones away from their dreary village square and transported them to the four corners of the universe.
At last, we had Wings and were "Off the ground".

"At last I found myself in the right place at the right time and as I boarded the huge interplanetary craft with all the other "attunements",

I pondered about the marvels soon to confront us all in outerspace. I knew this would be a musical trip that would stay with me for the rest of my life as the first enchanting musical notes of Hope began to saturate my mind".

The story presented on the album is cosmically esoteric and a quantum leap into a multi-dimensional universe that is the fabric of all creation. 

Time and Space are one and Past, Present and Future exist within each other.

The album was released with the following introduction;

"Concerning Klaatu and the mystery of the Politzanians.... Now you may remember Chapter One of our story concluded with the total destruction of the planet Klaatu, resulting from the worst, most intense atomic war the universe had ever wittnessed. Our story continues set many millions of years later. The Politzanian people were very complicated and they considered themselves superior to all others inhabitating their planet. It was their desire to be Masters of their world that forced them to go to war and finally destroy not only themselves but all other existing races. Their planet finally broke apart under the stress of this great war".

"The holocaust hurled the purple planet across the Universe to form a huge asteriod belt known as the Space Graveyard. There was one survivor and he lived in a Lighthouse in the remains of the capitol city of Politzania and our story deals with his constant search for a philosophy that could have saved his race and others. For many a long year he lived alone manning the Lighthouse with its laser flares warning interstellar travellers of the inpending dangers of the solar reef. "And when to his end the old man came, death told him "you will not die in vain" for had we heard his parting word we would have known that he had said HOPE". 

The album was given simultaneous worldwide release by Capitol Records; their first such release in history. No Beatles albums were given such a global fanfare; this was a unique event. 
The album took a year to record and a number of different version were re-corded and re-mixed, yet only two version was ever released.

Upon the release of the album; the bands manager Frank Davies declared " They are not the sort of musicians who want to step back to the 50s, they dont want to retrace their roots. They simply want to pick up where rock music peaked and they want to break new ground. Klaatu is extending the ground broken in such productions as "Sgt Pepper" and "Abbey Road".

"They want to bring back a little excitement; to bring back concepts and statements". He went on to further state "They want NO PERSONAL PROMOTION, NO VERBAL EXPRESSION OF THEIR PHILOSOPHY, NO INTERVIEWS AND NO IDENTITY".

 "They have a concept of BEING UNKNOWN and remaining UNKNOWN until they are ready to unveil themselves.

 It funny really; they could be ANYONE, they could be FROM ANOTHER PLANET".

Parts of the above information originates from an article by Ritchie York published in the Australian music magazine RAM on the 27 Jan 1978
. I also contributed to this article titled "The Klaatu Mystery" submitting the section entitled "This man says he knows the answer".

  Strangely is the fact that this individual Ritchie York worked as John Lennons Press Officer and Photograher from 1969-1976. 
He helped John with the arrangements for the The Plastic Ono Bands appearance at the Toronto Peace Festival in 1969. 

 York at the time was living in Toronto which co-incidently is the home town of the mysterious Klaatu members.

 For several years Mr York was a paid employee of John Lennon and also a close friend and yet strangely he played a huge part in promoting the music of the mysterious Klaatu.

 It was also in Toronto where John and Yoko held their famous "bed-ins" and where John was reported to have shared a joint (reefer) with the then Prime Minister of Canada.

   Many years later, it 
was reported that at the close of a concert by Paul McCartney and Wings in Toronto, Paul declared "see you when the Earth Stands Still"; being a clear reference to the movie from which the name KLAATU originates. 

Okay, its time we began to investigate and interpretate a few of the songs from the album and to discover the numerous Beatle connections.


Musically this song is reminiscent of many of the songs found on The Beatles "Abbey Road" especially the George Harrison song "Something". 

 Featuring a delicate and sensetive guitar work similiar to Harrisons style of playing. The backing vocals are very Beatleish, whilst the lyrics are extremely compareable to the Lennon lyrics found on the song "Across the universe". Overall, the song is the most Beatleish sounding song on the album and is saturated with lyrics that contain Beatle connections.

The lyric line "Now the path before us lies before our very eyes" could be interpretated as a reference to The Beatles song "The long and winding road."

Could the line " Then come and take my hand" be another reference to The Beatles " I want to hold your hand" or to the George Harrison song "Give me Love" where we find the lyric line "Please take hold of my hand".??

Another lyric line from Hope reads; "A ray of Peace a shining on me" could be associated with John and Yokos "Peace Crusades" during the late 1960s. In the video of the Lennon song "Instant Karma" Yoko is seen holding up placards with the words "HOPE" and "PEACE" written upon them.

 In the Lennon song "Gimme some truth" John sings " with just a pocket full of HOPE", which can be found on his "Imagine" album. Meanwhile on the album "The Plastic Ono band Live in Toronto" we find a song titled " John, John, lets HOPE for Peace .

The philosophy of believing in HOPE can be found expressed in numerous Beatle songs and songs by McCartney, Lennon and Harrison as solo artists; for example;
Paul sings; "Hope of deliverance".

"I HOPE someday you will join us". John Lennon. Imagine.

"I HOPE you have fun". John Lennon from the song "Happy Xmas".

"We HOPE you will enjoy the show". The Beatles. Sgt Peppers.

"The HOPELESSNESS around you". George Harrison from the song "Beware of Darkness" off the album "All things must pass".

"The cat with the most HOPE to fill the Fillmore". George Harrison from his song "Miss Odell".

"So i HOPE you dont mind". Paul McCartney from the song "On the way".

"I HOPE you are not too far away" . Paul McCartney from the song "Children, Children". london Town album.

"But I HOPE to see much clearer". George Harrison from his song "Living in the Material World".

"Give me love, give me HOPE, give me peace on Earth". George Harrison from his song "Give me Love" from his "Living in the Material World" album.

From this same album, in the song "The light that has lighted the world" can be found the lyric line " Thank you for giving me HOPE". 

Lastly, we find McCartney singing " Hope for the future".

There exists dozens more of examples I could quote but space does not exist here to do so; these examples should give the reader some idea though.

Here I sit in the year 2020 reading through the hundreds of pages of my original 600 page manuscript daunted by the prospect of sifting through the mass of information I collected during my 6 years of researching the original rumour "Are Klaatu The Beatles"?. 

Having to re-type much of the material into my computer seems never ending and having to choose what to include in my "The Greatest Story Never Told" blogg an endless task.


The lyrics begin with "we are off you know to a distant land" ; perhaps "Pepperland" or the mysterious distant land found expressed in the theme of Paul McCartneys classical album "Standing Stone"?.

Released many years after the HOPE album, 'Standing Stone" has a theme based on the History of life on Earth via the ancient Standing Stones of the Celts. It relates the tale of an early Man who " sails on a crystal ship to a distant land where he saves the inhabitors from invaders".

 A similiar "storyline/theme" can be found throughout the HOPE album.

In the film "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles, the Beatles "went in search of a distant land, known as Pepperland". 


In the film "Magical Mystery Tour" The Beatles set off for "some uncharted shore/destination".

 Magical trips abound in the Beatles/Klaatu mythology; both and the same parties are constantly "sailing" the oceans of Time and Space.

 Both residing in a Quantum universe where One can be Here, There and Everywhere at the same Time within the same space. 

Multidimensional realities often experienced during states of enlightenment or psychedelic drugs; the later experienced by all parties concerned.
The lyric line "Our journey begins come the Sun" could be interpretated as a reference to George Harrisons song "Here come the Sun" from The Beatles "Abbey Road" album.


The "SUN" can be found on the Harrison "Gone Troppo" album

/ on the McCartney "Back to the Egg" album

and on the Lennon "Shaved Fish" album.

The Beatles have been refered to as The Sun Kings in a number of publications and the album featured a song titled "Sun Kings". This Sun symbol can be found on all the Klaatu albums and represents the Giver of Life.

Other Klaatu lyric lines in this song make references to "sailing"; "to journeys"; "the north Star" and to "sleepy heads" which all have Beatle connections.

Both McCartney and Lennon were/are experienced Sailors who were often "sailing the seven brine" and relying on the North Star for their navigation. Both spent some time during the 1970s sailing their yachts/ships to some "uncharted shore" and many of their experiences can be found expressed in their song lyrics of that period.

 The "North Star" could also be a taken as a reference to the Beatles publishing company "Northern Songs". The Beatles also originate from North England, Liverpool which exists in the Northern Hemisphere.

Meanwhile the reference to "Sleepy heads" could be a reference to the Beatles song "Goodnight" off the White album.

The vocals on "We are off you know" seem to be primarily those of Paul McCartney whilst the songs style is right out of the 1967-1968 period. The musical structure reminds me of The Beatles Sgt Pepper song "When Im 64"; especially the instrumental ending. Similarities in style can also be found on The Beatles "Yellow Submarine".

The songs has a Christmas feel to it, with jingle bells resounding throughout. The same tempo of these "jingle bells" can also be found on the Paul McCartney song "Having a wonderful Christmas time". Both songs contain the same rythmic pattern; the similiarities are unbelieveable. 


This fine song features many lyric lines with Beatle connections, the first being that its theme is similiar to The Beatles song "Across the Universe" from the "Let it Be" album.

 Lennon whom wrote the song once claimed that "Its one of the best lyrics I have ever written". (Lennon Remembers by Jann Wenner).

In the book "The Penquin Lennon" can be found an article titled "Kods der Revolution" in which we find the statement by Lennon "Do you remember when I had dinner with that super sniffing showdog Mike 9 ( Around the wall in 80 days)". Strange indeed.

In this Klaatu song we find the lyric line "All life in space must learn to live as one" which echoes the same sentiments expressed in many of the lyrics found in the ab-fab Lennon song "Imagine".

Whilst the Klaatu lyrics "a hole in the fabric of the very being of the Universe" directly relates to The Beatles "Yellow Submarine" film where all four Beatles reach an area known as "the sea of holes"


and these holes are part of "the fabric of the Universe" being black holes; where Time and Space are one.

 In the beginning of the film "Yellow Submarine" we find Ringo wandering down "HOPE ST"

Another lyric line reads; "In a warp where Time and Space are one" are remarkably similiar to many of the lyric lines and concepts expressed in the Lennon song "Mind Games"; check it out for yourself .


The Klaatu song itself indicates that their Spaceship is an "atomic powered sub-space machine" ( Yellow SUBmarine-under water) which travels under space and through space via a black hole or (sea of holes). 

Whilst travelling through space they can no longer see the Sun for Time and Space are One. 

They also disclose that their spacecraft is "nuclear powered" which clearly connects with with John Lennons 1974 album "Walls and Bridges"

where we find that his backing band is "The Plastic Ono NUCLEAR Band"

Again, could all these strange co-incidences just be a co-incidence? I doubt it.

Again Lennon declares " Put on my Spacesuit, Ive got to look my best" in his song "Stepping Out" from his "Milk and Honey" album.

On the same album, in the song "Nobody Told Me" we hear Lennon sing "Theres UFOs over New York and I aint too surprised".

The Space theme can be found within the lyrics of many songs by McCartney, Lennon and Harrison which clearly co-incides with the similiar themes expressed in the songs of Klaatu.
 From my research, I have discovered that at least Lennon and McCartney had "Personal experiences with UFOS" and that Lennon had a direct "Close Encounter of the 3rd kind" in 1973-1974.

The Klaatu lyric "For our planet is the 2nd from the Sun" ties in with the title of the Wings "Venus and Mars" when we discover that Astrologically Linda McCartney was ruled by the planet Venus (the 2nd from the Sun) whilst Paul McCartney is ruled by the planet Mars.

In the Wings video for "Back to the Egg" the band is seen aboard a "Spaceship" travelling through space

 whilst in the film "Give my regards to Broad St" the members of Wings are seen dressed as "Aliens". 


The connection to 
"Aliens/ UFOs and Space" between the ex-Beatles and Klaatu are far too numerous to mention, so its time to continue with my review of some of the songs featured on Klaatus HOPE album.

Strangely, between the songs "Around the universe" and "Long  live Politzania" can be found the following sleeve notes; "Through a fortunate turn of events, this original transcription has been acquired of a dissertation given by the late Professor Charles Pamplemouse. Professor Pamplemouse was a distinguished anthropologist of his time, whom many believed to be the world's authority on the subject of extinct civilizations".

Strangely, I recently discovered that the word "Pamplemouse" in French refers to a "Grapefruit".
Now even stranger, in the late 1960s, Yoko Ono launched her first book titled "Grapefruit".




Some of the lyrics are very Lennonish whilst the musical composition is very McCartneyish, compare able to his classical albums, such as "Standing Stone".  

The whole album could possibly be a secret McCartney project. It was recorded just around the corner from Paul's London home with an orchestra he often worked with. 
Perhaps other musicians and vocalists were  brought in to complete the project?

Later in this story we will discover that the mysterious Klaatu members didn't play on their "Endangered Species" album. Session musicians were used.

    The below also featured on the sleeve of the Hope album.                  

"Through a fortunate turn of events, this original transcription has been acquired of a dissertation given by the late Professor Charles Pamplemouse R.C.B. at the Eighteenth Assembly of the Heirs of the Politzanian Empire. Professor Pamplemouse was a distinguished Anthropologist of his time whom many believed to be the worlds leading authority on the subject of extinct civilizations." 

The above piece reminds me of " The Broadcast" from the Wings album "Back to the egg"

During the mid 1960s strangely The Beatles recieved a Medal of Honour by Queen Elizabeth 11 and given MBEs; in other words they were made "Members of the British Empire", which is strangely similiar to the Professor Pamplemouses "Heirs of the Politizania Empire"..

The above is some of the original sleeve notes issued with the original Promotional release of the HOPE album which was only issued to Radio stations around the globe. The statement is an Introduction to the above song and which presents a very interesting connection to a Statement made by John Lennon in September 1980. 

On the 29th September the Australian Newsweek magazine published an article in which Lennon was asked " What have you been doing for the past 5 years"? to which Lennon replied "Im an avid reader, mainly reading books on History, Archeology and Anthropology". 

His answer has a great bearing on the whole concept of the HOPE album; for its concept is built entirely around the theme of "ancient civilizations, archeology and anthropology" which Lennon had spent the past 5 years studying.

The song "The Politzanian National Anthem" also has strong Lennon connections, which can be found on his 1973 "Mind Games" album.

This album contains a song titled "The Nutopian International Anthem" which is really 0.03 seconds of silence. The inner sleeve notes of the album include a fact sheet on the latest brainwave of Lennons, who had earlier sang "imagine no more countries" on the song "Imagine"; now he gave us the conceptual "Nation of Nutopia". Everyone was cordially invited to pledge their allegiance to a state without boundaries or passports; governed only by Cosmic Law. "Citizenship of the country can be obtained by declaration of your awareness of Nutopia", Lennon proclaimed.

 The theme of John and Yokos "Nation of Nutopia" certainly runs along the same theme lines of the whole concept of the HOPE album. Both themes are based on "Cosmic Law" and "how the Universe will be our new home"; for the Lennons certainly considered themselves as "Citizens of the Universe" and NOT simply just citizens of planet Earth. 

 Note the incredible similarity to both titles (1) "The Politzanian National Anthem" and "The Nutopian International Anthem"; could this just be another strange co-incidence Ive been quoting throughout my story so far??

"Imagine all the world living life in Peace".

"The loneliest of creatures".

The multi layered vocals are refered to as Polyphonics ( a composition of music in parts  each with an independent melody of its own.)

The vocals have a Harrison sound , whilst the musical production remind me of songs from the Beatles "Yellow Submarine".

It's all too much.

This song is a masterpiece and one of their best.
" Can you find any Beatle links?.


A beautiful piece of music.

 So said the       lighthouse keeper.

                       A Masterpiece of composition and arrangement. Equal in production quality as on the Beatles "Sgt Pepper" album.

Many of the other excellent songs found on the HOPE album contain numerous Beatle connections which I shall disclose when the full manuscript is published. There are many other areas I wish to cover in this format which includes the Artwork on the album and details on the recording of the album. 

 The information already presented must by now have the reader questioning whether there is any truth to the rumour that the recordings of Klaatu are possibly the "secret" recordings of The Beatles or at least some of the ex-Beatles.

As my story unfolds, much more startling evidence will be presented that will blow your little minds; including the possible "real" story behind Lennons assassination and the Klaatu connection and my "private" associations" with both Harrison and McCartney.

Paul's home in St. Johns Wood, London.

All of the information in my Revealations have NEVER been published or revealled before and will surely rock the music world. For years I have remained silent and kept my story hidden from the world but now as I enter my Twilight Years I feel its time I told my story before its too late.

The album was reportedly recorded at both the Abbey Road and Air Studios in St Johns Wood , London during 1976-1977 and employed the 60 piece London Symphony Orchestra for the many months of recoording.

 A rather bold and expensive adventure for a bunch of relatively unknown musicians I would say. The production costs would have been enormous .

Around the early 1980s I managed to have a phone conversation with "a member of the LSO" who claimed to have worked on the recordings of the "Hope" album and when I asked him who the members of the "band" were? he claimed that everyone "had been sworn to secrecy" and that he "couldnt" reveal that information to me. 

Strangely the LSO were regularily used by The Beatles on many of their recording; for example "All you need is Love" and "A day in the life". 

 Orchestrial arrangements were usually the work of their record Producer George Martin ( who is classically trained ) and one has to question whether he was involved with the recording of the "Hope" album?.

 The orchestral score found on the "Hope" album is beyond awesome; its a Masterpiece and strangely similiar to a number of compositions by a number of classical Russian composers. 

Perhaps such an appreciation of these composers was the inspiration for The Beatles "Back in the USSR" from the "White album". ?

One also has to question whether the Orchestrial arrangements on the "Hope" album is the work of Sir Paul McCartney when one considers his own classical albums " Liverpool Oratoria"

released in 1991 and "Standing Stone" released in 1997.

 On the later, Paul used the 300 piece London Symphony Orchestra to record his "score" and Paul claims that he worked on the score for close on 4 years. "Standing Stone" describes " the way Celtic Man might have wondered about the origins of life and the mysteries of human existence. It relates the tale of early Man who sails on a crystal SHIP to a distant land where the inhabitants welcome him and he saves them from invaders". 

The storyline is echoes of Klaatus "Lighthouse Keeper" and the themes expressed throught the "Hope" album.

Perhaps the reader might like to conduct a personal musical comparison to the above mentioned McCartney albums and the "Hope" album and perhaps they will discover many similarities?

Again I must confess that the "Hope" album blew me away when I first heard it "all those years ago" and still remains my favourite album of all time.

 If you have never heard the album, then dont delay and obtain a copy of the album asap and take a wonderful musical journey.
The Beatle/Klaatu connections are mindboggling and far too many to express here in this Blogg form and perhaps one day these revealations will surface in Print form.

My main concern is simply to publish an "edited version" of my full manuscript in Blogg form whilst I am able and in fine health to achieve the goal.

I have not been of good health for awhile, which has slowed me down and made my task difficult and like everyone my age one questions "how much time" do i have left?

 Im hoping to complete my Blogg version of "The Greatest story never told" by the end of  2015 and then perhaps I can either return to "recording some new UTAALK compositions" or "begin a new literary project".?

At times it seems that I still have much I want to do and experience in my life and time is passing me by so quickly.

The 70s brought us The Harmonic Conversion and World Contact Day and gave me personally a number of strange Alien encounters. 

A secret "undercover" operation was undertaken to locate a "secret underground ufo base" in the Blue Mountains near Sydney where a number of "flying saucers" were witnessed emerging from this "secret" base and we had a run-in with an "alien" .

   As John Lennon stated in his song "Nobody Told me", they were "strange days indeed".

In Part Five I shall be taking a closer look at the Artwork of the "Hope" album and exploring new exciting Beatle/Klaatu connections, so please stick around and follow me on the long and winding road less travelled to further discoveries. We still have a long way to travel before my story is fully told and all the questions have been asked and answered. ???