"I dont wanna be a soldier momma, I dont wanna die".
Its the 1st January 2015 and a new year begins as I sit here composing/writing a New Chapter of "The Greatest story never told".
Im eager to get on with it and tell my story and Hope to complete my full story by mid - late 2015 as I still have another around 5-6 chapters to present.
Health issues have slowed me right down but I shall Soldier on until the war is won. Im a fighter and will battle on until the end.Im eager to get on with it and tell my story and Hope to complete my full story by mid - late 2015 as I still have another around 5-6 chapters to present.
I was also spending every spare moment investigating the rumour "that Klaatu were The Beatles" and compiling events and information that would lead to my 600 paged manuscript titled "Under an assumed Name (The Beatles/Klaatu Konspiracy)" , which in 2014 was retitled "The Greatest story Never told".
Manson also claimed that The Beatles song "Piggies" forwarned him of a coming race war within the United States of America; whites against blacks.
At the end of their trials, many, including Manson, were sentenced to life in prison.
Manson claims that he spent much of his time reading books on "Adolf Hitler" and believed now that it was his duty to exterminate all the worlds "undesireables" in preperation for the creation of a Super Race; The Coming Race.
Like Hitler, Manson also believed that the Earth is Hollow and that during the coming racial war he and his followers could take refuge "inside the hollow Earth".
It is interesting to note here, that during the Beatles rise to International stardom that the British Daily Telegraph newspaper compare " The Beatles to Hitler" and accussed them of " filling empty heads with hysteria" , which can be found expressed in the lyrics of this Klaatu song.
The musical intro to the song reminds me of the intro to "Helter Skelter" from The Beatles "White Album".
Verse 1
"He is the reincarnation of Hitler"
"The daughter of the devil of man"
"Tell me wont you Mr Manson"
"Do you sleep at night?".
I have already established a link between Hitler and The Beatles, whilst the 4th lyric line could be a direct reference to the John Lennon song "How do you sleep" from his "Imagine" album.
The 2nd lyric line could be a reference to The Beatles song " Fool on the hill" from their "Magical Mystery Tour" album.
Death threats against The Beatles were made and some nearly carried out, it became "unsafe" for The Beatles to tour, so they decided to just be a "studio band" for the next four years.
The above sounds identical to The Beatles are Klaatu conspiracy, so who actually is pulling a "scam" on who?
It has also been rumoured , though unconfirmed, that the journalist whom wrote the original article claiming that "Paul is Dead" actually worked for Brian Epstein and The Beatles and could be the same person whom started the rumour "Klaatu are The Beatles".
The millions of Beatle fans whom had "burnt" all their Beatle albums now went out and " re-purchased " all of these albums again.
In 1969, it is believed that The Beatles made more money in that year than the prievious 7 years.
"In 1968, LSD King, Timothy Leary told thousands of his hippie cult followers that THE BEATLES were nothing less than "Divine Messiahs".
This song features some great drumming similar to the style of Ringo Starr , whilst the raunchy guitar work is reminiscient of the guitar style found on John Lennons first 2 solo albums, with the song "Well, well, well" as a fine example. The vocals on the song are hard to identify with any one ex-Beatle member and I suspect that they have been "messed with" to disguise the real vocal identity.
"Could it be just a co-incidence that the that the Lennon lyrics from his song "The ballad of John and Yoko" which read "Christ you know it aint easy, you know how hard it can be, the way things are going, they are going to crucify me" are strangely similiar to the Klaatu lyrics "In the name of God he will tell you, that he is better than all the rest. Let me tell you Mr Preacher, Jesus has been and left".??????
In the Lennon song "God" from his 1st solo album "Mother" we can hear John sing "I dont believe in Jesus". John clearly states that "I just believe in me, Yoko and me, thats reality. The dream is over", and at that time in his life, John and Yoko ONLY had each other, whilst the angry public and media wanted to "crucify them both".
To conclude my diluted interpretations of the song "Mr Manson" I ask the reader to compare the beginning of the George Harrison song "Hong Kong Blues" with the beginning of "Mr Manson" to discover that they both feature the ringing of a big gong.
Remember The Beatles spent some of their early career playing at a couple of major clubs in Germany.
John was often observed giving a Hitler salute during live performances.
Again, I have to keep asking myself "Could all these links/connections be purely co-incidental"?
Whoever the Klaatu members are, they seem to either know a great deal about The Beatles or have some "inside" personal information about them.
By now the reader should be finding the many Beatle connections as fast as me, for example, the above song title could be a reference to The Beatles song "Strawberry Fields Forever".
The word "Tokeymor" could be a reference to "Tokoyo, Japan" where Yoko Ono was originally born and where John and Yoko spent some time during the late 1970s. Perhaps "Tokeymor Fields" is a real place located in Tokoyo Japan?, perhaps a little further research is needed to confirm my suspicions.
This song has to rate as the finest song on the album and is certainly right out of the 1967-1968 Beatles era, compareable to any of the songs found on the "Sgt Peppers" and "Magical Mystery Tour" albums. The production and mix on the song is first class and the "Beatles magic" can be heard on every note; please take a good listen to the vocal harmonies and the musical arrangement.
This song has "Paul McCartney" written all over it.
Well, without delay, lets take a look at the lyrics to Verse 1 which read;
"See the RAINBOW by the GROVE OF TREES, has it not appeared quite suddenly?. Look there, up in the sky, can you still pretend to deny?. Its a little strange, ARE THE STARS RE-ARRANGED? Everytime we wonder here, its always the same, well, isnt it strange?".
"Rainbows" can be found on a number of Beatle and solo albums by the ex-Beatles including John Lennons "Mind Games"
If the reader was to explore this area alone, they would uncover many strange "rainbows" within the lyrics, song titles and album artwork on various Beatles/Lennon (including Yoko Ono Lennon)/McCartney/Harrison and Starr releases.
The 3rd and 4th Klaatu lyric line is strangely very similair to the lyric line "Stars are moving like on the night we met" from the Yoko Ono song "Spec of Dust" from her 1982 album "Its Alright".
The reference to "the stars were moving" could be interpretated as referring to "UFOs"? unidentified flying objects, which can be found mentioned twice on John Lennons "Mind Games" album.
Here, in the song "Out of the blue" John sings "like a UFO, you came to me". The album jacket also contains a statement by Lennon claiming he had seen a "UFO" outside the Dakota Apartments where he was living.
The 3rd individual can be seen carring a "spool of tape" with the word "RAM" written on it, which could definately interpretated as a reference to Paul McCartney's album "RAM". "Why place such an obvious Beatle connection?".
On the cover "Queen Elizabeth 11" is seen 5th in line carrying a loaf of bread and a bag with the Royal ER emblem on it. Why would a Canadian band feature the "the British Royal Monarch" on their album cover? Could it be that the Klaatu members are REALLY BRITISH BORN?????????
Remember when Paul sang the final song on the "Abbey Road" where he sang "Her Majestry such a pretty little girl, but she doesn't have much to say" on the song "Her Majesty".
In the video of John Lennon singing"Nobody told me" we see John and Yoko dancing around a "Canadian Flag" with a portrait of The Queen in the background.
Remember also, The Beatles spent some of their early carreer playing in the night clubs of Hamburg, Germany.
Verse 2 contains references to "God" within the lyrics which reminds one of the Lennon song "God" from his "Mother" album.
Verse 3 contains the lyrics; "He will fill you with his empty statements, direct to all fools./ then you will know his unending speeches, and then the golden rule./ In the name of God he will tell you, that he is better than all the rest./ Let me tell you Mr Preacher, Jesus has been the best".
On the above "Lennon" album can be found his brilliant concept song "GOD" which clearly expresses "his" belief system and his opinions on "GOD".
Some lyrics are reminiscient of the early quoted stated from The Daily Telegraph where The Beatles were compared to Hitler and accussed of " filling the empty heads of their fans with hysteria".
In March 1966 the London Evening Standard published a statement made by John Lennon which caused a major furor around the world. In this statement John claimed "that he believed that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ".
John fired back in his song " The ballad of John and Yoko" stating "the way things are going, they're going to crucify
After the publication of the article, millions of American fans held Bonfires to "burn their Beatle albums" on and all hell broke loose.
Their record sales fell sharply between 1966-1969 and in 1969 a strange "rumour" hit the world press, being "Paul is Dead".
This DVD is strange but worth checking out.
Clues to confirm this rumour could be found "within their songs and album artwork" of their "Rubber Soul"/ "Revolver"/ "Magical Mystery Tour"/ The White album and even "Abbey Road".
With a little digging, the reader should be able to confirm this themselves.
In 1969, it is believed that The Beatles made more money in that year than the prievious 7 years.
John WAS right to claim that "The Beatles were bigger than Jesus Christ" and I still admire him to this day for having the balls to stick it to the old fashioned establishment.
From the same album "Somewhere in England"
can be found a song titled "Save the World" which strangely features the sounds of "cash registers ringing/ bombs exploding/ shouting voices/machine gun fire and an atomic explosion" which are also found within the song "Mr Manson"
Finally if we take a listen to the John Lennon song "We're all water" from his "Somewhere in New York City' we hear Yoko sing "There may be not much difference between MANSON and THE POPE, if we press their smiles".
Remember The Beatles spent some of their early career playing at a couple of major clubs in Germany.
John was often observed giving a Hitler salute during live performances.
Again, I have to keep asking myself "Could all these links/connections be purely co-incidental"?
Whoever the Klaatu members are, they seem to either know a great deal about The Beatles or have some "inside" personal information about them.
The word "Tokeymor" could be a reference to "Tokoyo, Japan" where Yoko Ono was originally born and where John and Yoko spent some time during the late 1970s. Perhaps "Tokeymor Fields" is a real place located in Tokoyo Japan?, perhaps a little further research is needed to confirm my suspicions.
This song has "Paul McCartney" written all over it.
"See the RAINBOW by the GROVE OF TREES, has it not appeared quite suddenly?. Look there, up in the sky, can you still pretend to deny?. Its a little strange, ARE THE STARS RE-ARRANGED? Everytime we wonder here, its always the same, well, isnt it strange?".
Remember also, that it was around the same time that Lennon claimed that "aliens" invaded his New York apartment and tried to "take him away".
Many references to "aliens" and "UFOs" can be found on the recordings and albums by Paul McCartney and both seem to have had a few "strange alien encounters"
during their lifetime.
Strangely we find this "alien/space" theme expressed in many of the Klaatu songs which suggests that "they" may have also experienced a number of "alien encounters" during their lifetimes?
My own songs recorded under the name "UTAALK" also tell stories of my own "alien encounters", which have been many. A number of these experienced were published during the 1970s in various magazines and books, so they are "not alone" in being "visited by strange alien beings".
One of my original pics.
Being "Taken Away" by these "beings" is another story and my experiences could be compared to "Gullivers Travels" but on a "Cosmic" scale; Ive been "here, there and everywhere".
Verse 2 contains the lyric lines; "And with one great big beautiful smile/ you bring out the Sun for awhile".
During the late 60s and early 70s, John and Yoko created/produced a number of avanteguard films, including one titled "Smile", which was a 90 minute film showing "John Lennon smiling".
On Paul's "Ram" album can be found a song called "Smile away"
The 2nd line "you bring out the sun for awhile" could be a reference to the George Harrison composition "Here comes the Sun" found on The Beatles "Abbey Road" album.
. References to "The Sun" can be found on many Beatle albums including the songs "I will follow the Sun" and "Here comes the Sunkings".
Solo albums by all four ex-Beatles contain many references to the "Sun" and can often be seen expressed in the artwork of their albums.
The Beatles were on a number of occassions referred to as "The Sun Kings" in the popular press.
"The Sun" can be found on all the Klaatu albums and the band even published their own quarterly Newsletter called "The Morning Sun".
Their final album they titled "Sunset".
The 1960s
During the 1960s, the Sun Kings heralded the beginning of The Age of Aquarius; a Golden Age of Enlightenment and a change in global consciousness with the help of mind altering drugs; mainly LSD. It was a time to get high and trip out, to seek out the true beautiful spirit within. Cosmic Consciousness was born and the human race evolved to a higher plane of perception and understanding. Timothy Leary told us to "turn on, tune in and drop out" and a large percentage of the global youth culture took his advice.
Musically, this song is faultless, the vocals and harmonies are compareable to any produced by The Fab Four and the sound production is first Class.
The lead vocals could easily be those of Paul, though the lyrics are very Lennonish.
Lennon was a master of "painting musical imagery", for example take a listen to "For the benefit for Mr Kite/ Strawberry Fields Forever" and " I am the walrus".
Well done, lads.
This song is right out of the 1960s hippie era, sounding similiar to certain songs recorded by the British bands "The Move" and "Traffic"; especially their songs "Hole in my shoe" and "Paper Sun" respectively. Compareable Beatle songs would include "We can work it out" and "For the benefit of Mr Kite". The composer and lead vocals could be those of Paul McCartney and the ending of the song features some fine McCartneyish "bass guitar" lines, similiar to those found on The Beatles "Getting Better" from their monster album "Sgt Peppers".
Although the lyrics contain "no direct" Beatle links , unless one can take Pauls song "Check my Machine" as a reference to "machines". ?
The motive behind the lyrics are " to sell you a Perpetual Motion Machine" whilst the lyrics on The Beatles "Magical Mystery Tour" song contains a similiar theme of "selling something, we have got it if you want it"; if u know what i mean?
We hear Klaatu sing "Its just what you need and is garranteed" and The Beatles singing "Weve got everything you need, satisfaction garranteed" on their "Magical Mystery Tour" song, which are both similiar indeed.
Below is a small section of an article on Klaatu written by myself and published in the Australian Music magazine "Ram" on 27th January 1978.
"In this article I clearly state "On the cover of Klaatus 3rd album will be a "sign" to verify that all the information I have given is correct and that it was given to me by Klaatu. This "sign" will be personally related to myself".

Well, believe it or not, but seven months later Klaatu released their 3rd album and as "predicted", the album featured a "sign" personally related to myself. This sign, is the song "Cherie" which "happened to be the name of my wife at the time".
A second song on the album ""Dear Christine also has a personal connection , for "Christine" is the name of one of my sisters.
Are these two incidences purely co-incidental? and was it "I" who Klaatu refer to at the end of their song "Silly Boys" where they sing "You are psychic"?
For a time during the 70s I experiented with developing my Psychic abilities and got my start in the Print Media when I predicted "Elvis Presleys Death" in an article titled "A Psychic Unfoldment" published in the Australian magazine "Psychic Australia".
In this article I made several major prediction which all came true and I became an "instant television celebrity".
I was invited to appear on numerous national television shows including The Don Lane and Mike Walsh shows.
I was also invited to give interviews on several radio programs across the nation.
Numerous local magazines began publishing my work and I was profiled in a number of international books and magazines.
So yes guys, I am Psychic and I know where this Blogg is leading, so come along for my Magical Mystery Tour'
If we take a look at the back cover of Ringo's "Rotogravure" album we find a picture of the door to The Cavern Club which is covered in graffitti.
Amoungst this graffitti can be found the name "Cherie".
Also on the door we find the statement "Beatles live in 1976", which happens to be the same year the Klaatu released their debut album.
Although the lyrics contain "no direct" Beatle connections, I still feel that the song could easily have been written by John Lennon, whilst the vocals could be those of George Harrison. The string production/arrangements are very reminiscient of some of Paul McCartneys work.
The song is very "english sounding" and features some excellent "harpsicord" playing.
This little musical surprise must be regarded as the most unusual track on the album, sounding more like something off a Pink Floyd album. The songs title can be found to possess a number of Beatle connections, so lets waste no time.
In the Dereck Taylor book "As time goes by" , chapter 15, page 103, Taylor refers to The Beatles as "Silly Boys".
Derek Taylor worked for the Beatles as their Press Officer from 1964 till their breakup in 1970, when he became Press Officer for George Harrison.
In the book, he stated that The Beatles were often refered to as "Silly Boys" by their management team.
During the same year, 1978, Ringo released his "Bad Boy" album, whilst on the McCartney album "Ram" we can find the song "Dear Boy" and meanwhile John was busy writing the song "Beautiful Boy" for his forthcoming "Double Fantasy" album.
The song features some excellent "backward tape effects" which the Beatles used on such songs as "Rain", "We can work it out", "tomorrow never knows", "For the benefit of Mr Kite" and "Revolution No9" to name a few.
When we play "Silly Boys" backwards we discover that it contains most of the lyrics from their song "Anus of Uranus" featured on their debut album.
The ending of the song features music from their song "Little Neutrino" from their debut album.
Musically the song reminds me of The Beatle songs "Blue Jay Way" and "You know my name", so please do a comparison if you can.
Klaatu's lyric line, "plastacine walls forever and overly happy" is similiar to the Lennon lyric line "Plastacine porters with looking glass eyes" from the Beatles "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" off their "Sgt Pepper" album.
Next we hear Klaatu sing;"Oh Georgeeous madman, you;re illuminating" which compares with Harrisons lyrics from his song "Sour Milk Sea" which state "theres nothing much without illumination".
On the Harrison song "That which i have lost" we can hear George sing "a flash inward illumination". This song can be found on his "Somewhere in England" album.
There is much more that can be said about the song, but I shall leave this info to the "full version" of my story coming to a bookstore near you soon?????
The strange thing about the albums title is that none of the songs on the album appear associated with the title.
The only reference to the title can be found in their song "Silly Boys" where it is mentioned. The initials "S.A.S." could be a reference to the British SAS; the Secret Army Services; after all the ARMY is mentioned.
Remember John Lennon appeared as Private Gripweed in Dick Lesters film "How I won the War"; he was an ARMY recruit.
Paul would some years later release the solo albums "Tug of War" and "Pipes of Peace".
John and Yoko were often seen wearing Army clothing.
The individuals on the front cover can be seen "walking towards the Sun", perhaps "following the Sun on a long and winding road"?
The individuals are seen in "the heart of the country" ; which McCartney sang about on his Ram album.
The artwork is almost exactly as that seen on the cover of the book "Lennon Remembers" by Jann Wenner, where Lennon is seen BOTH looking forward and looking back, he is leaving the city for the heart of the country? Small hills and a long winding road are seen in both circumstances; surely this purely co-incident
Strangely we find this "alien/space" theme expressed in many of the Klaatu songs which suggests that "they" may have also experienced a number of "alien encounters" during their lifetimes?
My own songs recorded under the name "UTAALK" also tell stories of my own "alien encounters", which have been many. A number of these experienced were published during the 1970s in various magazines and books, so they are "not alone" in being "visited by strange alien beings".
One of my original pics.
Being "Taken Away" by these "beings" is another story and my experiences could be compared to "Gullivers Travels" but on a "Cosmic" scale; Ive been "here, there and everywhere".
Verse 2 contains the lyric lines; "And with one great big beautiful smile/ you bring out the Sun for awhile".
During the late 60s and early 70s, John and Yoko created/produced a number of avanteguard films, including one titled "Smile", which was a 90 minute film showing "John Lennon smiling".
On Paul's "Ram" album can be found a song called "Smile away"
. References to "The Sun" can be found on many Beatle albums including the songs "I will follow the Sun" and "Here comes the Sunkings".
Solo albums by all four ex-Beatles contain many references to the "Sun" and can often be seen expressed in the artwork of their albums.
"The Sun" can be found on all the Klaatu albums and the band even published their own quarterly Newsletter called "The Morning Sun".
Their final album they titled "Sunset".
The 1960s
During the 1960s, the Sun Kings heralded the beginning of The Age of Aquarius; a Golden Age of Enlightenment and a change in global consciousness with the help of mind altering drugs; mainly LSD. It was a time to get high and trip out, to seek out the true beautiful spirit within. Cosmic Consciousness was born and the human race evolved to a higher plane of perception and understanding. Timothy Leary told us to "turn on, tune in and drop out" and a large percentage of the global youth culture took his advice.
Musically, this song is faultless, the vocals and harmonies are compareable to any produced by The Fab Four and the sound production is first Class.
The lead vocals could easily be those of Paul, though the lyrics are very Lennonish.
Lennon was a master of "painting musical imagery", for example take a listen to "For the benefit for Mr Kite/ Strawberry Fields Forever" and " I am the walrus".
The motive behind the lyrics are " to sell you a Perpetual Motion Machine" whilst the lyrics on The Beatles "Magical Mystery Tour" song contains a similiar theme of "selling something, we have got it if you want it"; if u know what i mean?
Below is a small section of an article on Klaatu written by myself and published in the Australian Music magazine "Ram" on 27th January 1978.
"In this article I clearly state "On the cover of Klaatus 3rd album will be a "sign" to verify that all the information I have given is correct and that it was given to me by Klaatu. This "sign" will be personally related to myself".

A second song on the album ""Dear Christine also has a personal connection , for "Christine" is the name of one of my sisters.
Are these two incidences purely co-incidental? and was it "I" who Klaatu refer to at the end of their song "Silly Boys" where they sing "You are psychic"?
I was invited to appear on numerous national television shows including The Don Lane and Mike Walsh shows.
I was also invited to give interviews on several radio programs across the nation.
Numerous local magazines began publishing my work and I was profiled in a number of international books and magazines.
So yes guys, I am Psychic and I know where this Blogg is leading, so come along for my Magical Mystery Tour'
If we take a look at the back cover of Ringo's "Rotogravure" album we find a picture of the door to The Cavern Club which is covered in graffitti.
Also on the door we find the statement "Beatles live in 1976", which happens to be the same year the Klaatu released their debut album.
The song is very "english sounding" and features some excellent "harpsicord" playing.
This little musical surprise must be regarded as the most unusual track on the album, sounding more like something off a Pink Floyd album. The songs title can be found to possess a number of Beatle connections, so lets waste no time.
In the Dereck Taylor book "As time goes by" , chapter 15, page 103, Taylor refers to The Beatles as "Silly Boys".
Derek Taylor worked for the Beatles as their Press Officer from 1964 till their breakup in 1970, when he became Press Officer for George Harrison.
In the book, he stated that The Beatles were often refered to as "Silly Boys" by their management team.
When we play "Silly Boys" backwards we discover that it contains most of the lyrics from their song "Anus of Uranus" featured on their debut album.
The ending of the song features music from their song "Little Neutrino" from their debut album.
Klaatu then sing "go off the ledge to snow , wish them goodnight" which may be a reference to The Beatles song "Goodnight" from their White Album.
It could also be a reference to Ringo's "Goodnight Vienna", which was originally title " Dont forget Klaatu".
It could also be a reference to Ringo's "Goodnight Vienna", which was originally title " Dont forget Klaatu".
On the Harrison song "That which i have lost" we can hear George sing "a flash inward illumination". This song can be found on his "Somewhere in England" album.
The strange thing about the albums title is that none of the songs on the album appear associated with the title.
The only reference to the title can be found in their song "Silly Boys" where it is mentioned. The initials "S.A.S." could be a reference to the British SAS; the Secret Army Services; after all the ARMY is mentioned.
Remember John Lennon appeared as Private Gripweed in Dick Lesters film "How I won the War"; he was an ARMY recruit.
On the left is Paul from the Magical Mystery Tour.
John and Yoko were often seen wearing Army clothing.
A picture says a thousand words..
The Beatles often performed and appeared wearing Army clothing or Army Suits.
The individuals are seen in "the heart of the country" ; which McCartney sang about on his Ram album.
On the cover "Queen Elizabeth 11" is seen 5th in line carrying a loaf of bread and a bag with the Royal ER emblem on it. Why would a Canadian band feature the "the British Royal Monarch" on their album cover? Could it be that the Klaatu members are REALLY BRITISH BORN?????????
This film i believe was shot inside The Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Toronto, Canada during their "bed-inns"?????
Nobody told me.
So we come to the 3 main indiviuals featured on the Back Cover and have to ask ourselves "Are they the real members of Klaatu and what are their real names?".
When we come to reviewing Klaatu's 4th album "Endangered Species" perhaps the confusion over who these individuals will finally be resolved? or will it?.
All we need do now, is turn that long sought corner and put on my brave face and hopefully discover the truth about the whole Beatles/Klaatu Konspiracy.
So we come to the 3 main indiviuals featured on the Back Cover and have to ask ourselves "Are they the real members of Klaatu and what are their real names?".
The title of the album comes from a backwards phrase in Silly Boys ("Oh Sir Army Suit, you're psychic!").