Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hope. Part 5..

Revised Edition.



(every picture tells a story)

The artwork on thei Front and Back jackets of the "Hope" album is a sheer masterpiece and must be regarded as the Best album jacket for 1977.

 The album gives no "credits" as to whom is responsible for this amazing artwork; " so who could it be?"

I would like to put forward the suggestion that the Artwork is either by the hands of Paul McCartney or John Lennon.? 
My reason for this assumption is due to the fact that both hold a Diploma in Art

Lennon recieved his art training at the Liverpool College of the Arts; beginning his 3 year enrolment in the autumn of 1957 and I believe that Paul attended the same college around the same period. 

Lennon never made it through the full year course, at the end of the 2nd year he was denied enrolment for the final exam. This doesnt mean he wasnt a talented artist; for in fact, he was.

As for Paul, one only has to step into home in St Johns Wood, London to discover Pauls appreciation of art where one can find "Picasso" and "Magritles" hanging on the walls.

I dont remember seeing them during my short visit to the home in 1975, so perhaps these were later purchases?
           Paul's place.

Many close friends of Paul claim that many of Pauls own paintings hang alongside these masterpieces and stand up very well indeed. His friends claim that if Paul hadnt had success with his music, then he certainly would have been a success with his art. 

During Lennons semi-retirement 1975- 1980, Lennon claims that he spent much of time "painting" and reading books on "ancient civilizations", though none of these paintings have surfaced in the media.
 His "reading material" certainly matches the subject matter of the Hope album. 

Much of the symbols found within the artwork represent "ancient language and writing" belonging to "ancient civilizations"; they contain a combination of Egyptian/ Sumerian and Mayan, as well as Scientific and Astrological symbols. 

Most of the interpretations of these symbols relate to the conditions and the technology on the planet Klaatu, located in the Epsilon Bootis star system several light years away from Earth. 
Strangely the Epsilon Bootis star system belongs to the Ursa Major/Ursa Minor family of constellations and if you check out the McCartney album "Press to Play" one can find a song titled "Pretty little head" where he sings about "Ursa Major, Ursa Minor".
So Paul is very cosmic and aware of the existence of the Epsilon Bootis star system?

        Pretty little head.

" is this all just a coincidence?".


The Front Cover depicts the crumbling remains of the city of Politzania; a broken Sun and huge cracks speak of a huge natural catastrophe; perhaps a giant earthquake? 

The Back Cover depicts a distant view of the crumbling Politzania as the survivors flew away to look for a new home in the universe, perhaps eventually settling on planet Earth.?

Ive deciphered so much information from the artwork and will now present a small portion of this material now. 

The front cover, believe it or not features a world prediction made by Klaatu, for the album was released in Sept 1977 and in January 1978 a "russian satelite" crashed back to earth over Canada. 

The letter "A" represents a satelite in an elliptical orbit around the Earth and this orbit is "broken" in section 1 representing January. 

Its very strange indeed .

How could Klaatu have known that in January 1978 that the russian nuclear powered satelite Cosmos 954 would plunge back to Earth and crash over mooNorthern Alberta

Using the same graph above, we find Section 9 which Astrologically represents the sign Libra.   

This is quite significant, for the sign of Libra which is ruled by the planet Venus. 

This planet is mentioned in the song "Around the universe in 80 days". Strangely enough Linda McCartney is a Librian and is seen represented as Venus on the Wings album "Venus and Mars".

Paul is astrologicaly ruled by the planet Mars; hence he is a Martian?

Since the front cover deals with "ancient civilizations", it might be interesting to note that Linda McCartney was once married to the Geologist John See.

Perhaps Linda picked up a lot of knowledge on the subject during this marriage and decided to marry some of this knowledge with one of Pauls paintings, creating "every picture tells a story???

Each Klaatu album features " a Mouse" on the front or back covers; a Mascot aboard their "Sunship". 

Back in the 60s Ringo Starr was associated with an animated film titled "Scouse the Mouse". 
whilst in the Beatles animated film "Yellow Submarine" we find the "Mouse-like" creature "nowhere man"; (Jeremy to his friends) .

Also during the 70s McCartney released a Wings documentary titled " The Bruce McMouse Show".

 In the Lennon song " Clean up time " we find the lyric "no rats aboard our magic ship"; 

Many reference to this Mouse can be uncovered if one dares to investigate. 

On the right hand side of the Front Cover of HOPE we find a "steel globe" with the initials "J Mc" upon it.

Could this be another clue to the identity of one of the mysterious Klaatu members? Could these initials stand for "James McCartney"?? 

Directly under this globe we find an arrow pointing to "two white and yellow flowers", which strangely can also be found on the Beatles "Sgt Pepper" and "Magical Mystery Tour".

The "Sun" can be found on all the Klaatu album jackets and many links to The Beatles albums and song titles has already been covered earlier. 

In the music industry The Beatles were often referred to as THE SUN KINGS; take a listen to the song "Melting Pot" by Shocking Blue.


Was the above the front cover of the reported "missing" Beatles album titled "SUN" that was to be released in 1967 between their "Magical Mystery Tour" and "Sgt Pepper" albums ???????

A mysterious "Red planet" can be found featured on 4 of the 5 Klaatu albums released and yet similiar looking "red planets" can be found on such albums as "Venus and Mars"by Wings and "Shaved Fish " by John Lennon.

Other cosmic connections can be found on many solo albums by Ringo Starr, such as "Goodnight Vienna".

The Kosmic Gods of the Kingdom have been planting their seeds of tomorrow for an eternity. 

On the middle left hand side of the front cover of "Hope" ; directly under the domed building can be found various "inscriptions" , which appear to be of "egyptian origin" and many appear to be "egyptian heiroglyphics". 

Recently it has be revealled that not Only did John and Yoko spend a whole night in the Cheops Pyramid but that also four of their Apartments within the Dakota Apartments are decorated with "ancient and rare Egyptian artifacts; including a complete " sarcophagus" in their main living room.
John and Yoko visited Cairo, Egypt in Jan. 1977.

John and Yoko believed they were the reincarnation of ancient Egyptian royalty.
Mummified Cats.

 On Yokos solo album "Feeling the Space", Yokos face has been "superimposed" onto the Sphinx with the Cheops Pyramid is in the background.

On the back cover we find the "Eye of Ra", the Sun God and the four symbols for "the Moon/ infinity/ yin and yang and the astroligic symbol for the "feminine/female". 

On the Ringo Starr 1977 album " Ringo the 4th" Ringo gives thanks to a " Mektoub - The Great Sphinx" and perhaps could be interpretated as a reference to "Lennon" and his obsession with Egyptian artifacts or Yoko and the above mentioned album. 

Recent research has revealled that all four ex-beatles have visited Egypt and the Pyramids of Giza.
Only recently Paul released an album titled "Egypt Station".


 References to this can be found within "song lyrics", "artwork" and "liner notes" on their various albums .

We have already learnt that during John Lennons semi-retirement between 1975- 1980 he spent a great deal of his free time reading books on " ancient civilizations", "anthropology" and " history". Both John and Yoko had a facination/karmic obsession with ancient Egypt; especially the rein of the Pharoahs around 3500bc. 

On the right hand side of the Front cover of "HOPE" atop the building we find "two gargoyles" creatures which strangely are similair to the "strange gargoyles" found adorning the top of the Dakota Apartments, in New York where Yoko still resides today.

Another symbol found on each of the Klaatu albums is the symbol "Seven H ";  

Strangely enough, when we take a look at the "picture record lable" of the original Ringo Starr 1974 album "Goodnight Vienna" we find a "picture of a "Star Galaxy".
When the dots of the planets are joined up they form the same symbol found on the Klaatu albums.

 Just another strange co-incidence? Remember that this 1974 Ringo album shows him dressed as the alien being "KLAATU" featured in the 1951 science fiction film "The day the Earth stood Still".

When we take a look at the Record lable owned by George Harrison "Dark Horse" strangely we find a picture of a Horse with Seven heads= 7 H.

So all these strange links are purely co-incidental and the many jig saw pieces can be moulded to fit the theory or the assumption that "maybe" Klaatu are the ex-Beatle members? or perhaps a mixture of ex-Beatle members and 3-4 other unknown musicians? 

Perhaps many of us have been led to believe that there is a Beatles Connection or perhaps none at all???
I have also discovered that even the title of the Klaatu album "HOPE" could represent "Heirs of the Politzania Empire" which parrallels the Beatles becoming "Members of the British Empire" during the mid 60s.

  Its too early into the investigation to deny or confirm any involvement and the reader shall have to make up their own minds as the evidence unfolds.

Please go back and read Part  4 which covers all aspects of Klaatus 2nd album titled "HOPE" to assess all that has been presented, then ask yourself " does the author have case or story worth telling?

Its August 2014 and I am now 65 and retired; I have just survived having a kidney removed due to cancer and "live one day at a time". 

Hopefully I will complete telling my story which will cover the 3rd, 4th and 5th albums by Klaatu; so hence I still have several more chapters to cover.

 Life is full of Conspiracies and the Beatles/Klaatu Konspiracy is the only one that has remained "hidden" from the mass media. Its time to explore the evidence and strange co-incidences associated with the case and allow YOU to decide.

end of Part Five.......

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