Its presently early September 2016 and I have decided to write a short
Review of my Blog and present the reader with an Update of the story.
Firstly, on August 11th 2016 I was invited to spend a few hours with the
Klaatu member Terry Draper at Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia. We shared the
afternoon sun ; a few beers and good conversation discussing musical
inspirations; klaatu recordings; my Blog;
future plans and personal histories and tribulations.
I explaned to Terry that in my Blogg I simply wanted to tell My Story which
centred around 6 years of research between 1976 - 1982 into the rumour that
"Klaatu were The Beatles". This tome was originally titled "
Under an assumed name" ( The Beatles/Klaatu Conspiracy) . The title was
changed when I commenced my Blog and became "The greatest story never
told". During my 6 years of research many strange, unexplainable events took
place and still remain a mystery today; in fact; many questions put forward
still remain unanswered.
As I wrote my Blogg, I realized how easy it is for one to "build a
conspiratory of sorts" and keep a myth alive. It simply involved
uncovering a number of relevant pieces of data or evidence and assembling all
the jigsaw pieces together to form a complete picture.
Co-incidences and
circumstantial evidence help create a variety of possible conclusions , which
are the ingredients of a good Conspiracy story.
I spent literally thousands of hours listening to each Klaatu album and
comparing these recordings with the recordings of The Beatles. I studied every
musical arrangement and production and every lyric line. The similarities and
co-incidences were everywhere which were overwhelming and clearly began to
suggest that there may be some truth to the rumour that Klaatu were The
I remember that in 1981 I did recieve a phone call from Terry and I told
him that if he ever came to Sydney to look me up and we can get toether for a
chat over a few beers. Well, 35 years later, Terry did visit Sydney and we
finally did get the opportunity to meet and chat over a few beers at Coogee
Terry gave me 3 of his solo albums/cds being "Stranded",
"When the world was young" and "Searching" and I gave him 3
cds featuring songs by Australian artists of the 60's/ 70's whom I had shared
Concert Billings with during the same period.
I have now listened to all 3 albums and I am in awe of his talent and
songwriting; Im a big fan and admirer of the man I met on Coogee Beach. A
master musician; songwriter; composer; arranger and producer; a rare talent
We parted that afternoon by agreeing to stay in contact and Terry said that
he may be back or move here permanently soon due to family reasons. We may end
up being neighbours?
My conclusions after our meetings are that "Klaatu may not be The
Beatles" and its the musical song quality of all the Klaatu recordings
that matter. Klaatu had a message to bring to mankind and its not the messanger
thats important.
Klaatu helped mankind evolve into a Cosmic Conscious species and told us
that we should all learn to live in peace.
We are not alone ..